A Psalm of Small Questions
Oh God, One who is called Healer,
Why do You refuse healing to the child whose heart has trusted You?
Why do You allow the question to arise in her heart, “why did God not answer my prayer?”
Oh God, One who is called Comforter,
Why do You refuse comfort to the little one who says she loves You more than anything else?
Why do You allow her to question Your presence?
Oh God, One who is called Mighty Counselor,
Why do You refuse wisdom to one who daily searches Your Word, knowing that in It is all we need for life and godliness?
Why do you allow questions to arise concerning Your character and love?
Why don't You freely give what You have to offer?
My questions are big, and they burden my soul.
But God You are bigger, and in Your faithfulness You have kept me for Yourself despite them.
My questions threaten to suffocate me,
But God You breathe life, and in Your power You have given me strength to continue despite the impossibilities and the unknowns.
My questions make me lonely,
But God You have always been with me, and in Your love You have embraced me when I have turned my back on You.
My questions become small in the light of Your glory.
When I consider Your faithfulness, Your power, Your love, I know my questions need not be answered because your plan must be good.
When I consider that we are Yours, I know that I can rest.
As always, I believe, help me with my unbelief.